Wednesday, April 28, 2010

oh yeah a couple more...

I remember a couple more books that I have read. They go together...

Operation Red Jericho: The Guild Specialists Book 1 and Operation Typhoon Shore: The Guild of Specialists Book 2 both by Joshua Mowll. These books were really amazing. First of all, the story was pretty good but then there are the illustrations and drawings and pictures. He makes it look and feel like a very interesting and exciting text book. It's not just a story, you get illustrations of complex machinery and pictures of characters in the book and sketches from notebooks. It all makes it seem so real. It really was a very elaborate and detailed undertaking by the author. Very impressive. Plus, the story is fun and high paced. I'll have to pick up the third one in the series. :)

And there's one more that I just finished...

Savvy by Ingrid Law: Great book! Fun to read and the characters are very endearing. Makes me wonder whether I would want to be part of the family or not. A book about growing up and moving on and playing the hand that life deals you. I really enjoyed the book. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

next book...

Look at me all on top of things :)

I read and finished the next book in the Percy Jackson series, "The sea of Monsters." Again, fun read, but a bit predictable.

Also, I went to work out two days in a row and I feel like my arms are just dead weights. I think I'll put an extra day in between weight-lifting workouts from now on.

But on a good note, I finally got some thyroid medicine. :) Here's hoping I start feeling better soon.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The latest books...

Let's see if I can remember all the books I've read recently

The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Great book! I really liked this book about a bunch of black maids in the South about the time the civil rights movement started to gain some traction. It was well written and a very good read. Very thought-provoking.

Graceling by Kristin Cashore. Almost a great book. I don't like anti-heroes though. The heroine does well until she knowingly and consciously makes a terrible mistake. I don't like that she has no repercussions from her bad decision and it is rationalized away. (No questions as to where the author stands on that issue) Lots of good but the bad really spoiled it for me.

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. (did I already do this one?) good book, fun read.

Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons. I'm a little bit tired of reading books about someone's growing up life where they were poor/beaten/disadvantaged/etc. Doesn't anyone have a normal healthy childhood? Putting that aside, it was a good book.

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. Don't know if it has any relation whatsoever to the Leviathan by Hobbes. Interesting read. Scott Westerfeld always has kind of some quirky ideas that are interesting to explore. (He wrote the Uglies/Pretties series)

Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen. Fluff. Definately a chick book and a bit too romantic for my taste but kind of interesting in that she kind of exploits the whole small-town legends idea.

I know I read another one...