Thursday, December 10, 2009

Spending Madness...

Just a quick rant...

Why is it that the US government thinks it can fix a broken system by pouring money into it? Oh yeah, that's ALWAYS the answer from our government. Like, 'hey, our school system is producing internationally below average students. What should we do? Let's make it a government entity and throw a bunch of money at it and hope it fixes itself.' or 'hey, our health care system is not working so well. What should we do? Let's make it a government entity and throw a bunch of money at it and hope it fixes itself.' Most recently, 'hey, our economy is broken. What should we do about it? Let's make it a government entity and throw a bunch of money at it and hope it fixes itself.'

That doesn't work with kids. it doesn't work with anything! If anything, more power should be given to the states--they know what their own state needs, not some big government entity in DC.

So tired of the government spending my and my children's money.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ready, Set...

I'm not sure I'm ready for the holiday season. But as we get into it, I remember all of the fun things. Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Treats!! Gotta love making and sharing and EATING all of those holiday goodies. I never never never diet during the holiday season because that takes so much of the fun out of it! For a couple of months a year I throw caution to the wind and indulge!

2. Music! I love Christmas carols! They are fun and beautiful and sacred. What a wonderful time we have to remember the Savior and to sing of his birth. But I also love the fun songs like Jingle Bells and Santa is coming to town. It's odd but Christmas is one of the two holidays (Easter is the other) that is characterized by music. I love it!

3. Kids!! I love kids at Christmas time! Seeing the excitement and joy in their eyes is priceless! Kids are what make Christmas absolutely magic. They still believe in all the magic and they bring it with them everywhere they go! I love seeing their eyes pop out of their heads on Christmas morning when they see the cookies eaten and the stockings filled. I will never get tired of seeing that magic in my children's eyes!

4. Snow. Well, now that I live in Georgia, it's more like pictures of snow because it doesn't really snow much here. I don't miss shoveling the snow and hibernating in my house all winter because it's so cold. BUT, I miss seeing my kids play in the snow. I love how, just for a moment, the world is transformed into a quiet, still and magical place. I guess that's why I always have imagined snow at Christ's birth. If I think of the logistics, I hope, for Mary's sake, that there was no snow and chances are, there was not but still, it's there in my imagination.

5. Christmas Symbols. Each year, we do the German Advent. For four Sundays before Christmas, you light one more candle. For our family, we take the time to talk about the different symbols at Christmastime. Candles remind us that although the world gets darker at this time of year, we always have the light of Christ in our lives. Red reminds of of Christ's sacrifice for us. Green reminds us that although the world looks dead this time of year, we can have everlasting life (evergreen trees come in here too) through the atonement of Christ. There are so many more!! I love the beauty of the symbols and of all that it reminds us.

6. Service. I love that there is a time of year when we step out of our own troubles and look to others. We see it in food drives and coat collections. We are reminded each time we enter or exit a store and find the Salvation Army ringing their bells. What a wonderful holiday where the focus is not on ourselves but on others.

7. Christ!! Definitely the best part of the Christmas season is that Christ is everywhere! He is the true reason we celebrate and the only way for us to be saved. He loves us so much that he gave his life for us. He was completely perfect and allows us to become as he is. There is no greater gift! I love the Christmas season and all that it means! I love that we have a whole month to celebrate Christ and His life.

What are your favorite parts of the holiday season? I decided that there is so much stress this time of year with all of the little things that need to be done that I would take some time to look on the bright side. When I remember all of the wonderful parts of Christmas, it makes the stress more worth it and maybe just a little bit less stressful.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday season!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So I just read a book about a fictional map of the world that was made by the Chinese in the early 1400's which would make it older than European maps of the world. It was an interesting read and brought up some good questions about ownership--think finders keepers? But it also made me think about the fluidity of history. I have always thought of history as being a fixed object--and in reality that is exactly what it is. However, it is interesting to realize that our perception of history is not necessarily so static. We are often taught one side of the story. One perspective. And often, I believe, when we start to see another side to the story, we can understand what has happened in a completely different manner. It's hard to tell who the "good guys" were because we don't understand everything that happened. Just another reason I am so grateful that I won't be the ultimate judge of what happens/happened. Someone told me once that through the urim and thummim you could see history. Whether or not that is true, I would love to actually see history. Watch the flood. Experience the amazing true things that happen all over the world all the time. I have always thought of history as boring and fixed and already done. I have just come to realize that there is so much to discover and understand in history. What a revelation!

Friday, September 11, 2009

New post

Nobody has written anything new on their blog for a while so I'm going to. Even though no one else actually reads my blog :)

Today I'm going shopping with three little kids. It's easier than going with four little kids. Next year, Thomas will be in kindergarten and I'll be able to go with two. The year after that, I'll be down to one. I keep telling myself that this is going to get easier. In the meantime, I usually put off shopping until we really can't wait any longer.

Wish me luck, here we go!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cleaning up...again...

So, I have finally admitted the fact that I am not a naturally clean person. I'm not talking about showering--which I do regularly. I'm talking about the ability to clean up after myself quickly and regularly. I can't do it. So here is an exapmle of how cleaning goes for me: Dishes: I will put it off because (put excuse here--usually it's because the dishwasher is full and needs to be put away or the kids need my attention or some other lame excuse) and so I'll end up with a ton of dishes that fill up both sinks and overflow onto the counter. When we are running out of plates or cups or forks or something, I'll buckle down and do a marathon dishes date. Well, the next day, I don't want to do dishes at all because I just spent so much time on them that I don't want to do them again at all and anyway, (put excuse here). And so it goes.

But I'm trying something new. Again. I will occasionally be inspired and come up with a new schedule that will make cleaning easy and approachable. Here's what I am trying now. Each day I'll just do One. One load of laundry. Vacuum One room. Clean One bathroom. But I always have to sweep and do dishes and make beds and clean up. I figure if I am always doing it, it will always be done--right?

So far, it has been okay. It worked really well for three days. Then I had to go shopping. That usually kills the rest of my day (shopping with three very small children is exhausting!). So one day kind of slipped. That was today. I still made beds and did dishes and swept the kitchen. But I didn't do any of my Ones. Now, I have the weekend and I don't know about your house but sometimes on the weekend all of my best plans fall apart.

I guess I'll let you know if any of this stuff works long-term. For now, it's just nice to have a semi-clean home all the time instead of a really clean home once a month. I do feel more in control of my life when my house is clean and having "jobs" to do each day helps me not get down on myself. I guess I get a feeling of accomplishment and that helps.

I don't really think anyone will ever read all of this crazy rambling, but in case someone does, sorry for the rambling--I've never been a very good writer or talker. It's usually all or nothing.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Okay, here goes another attempt at me blogging.  I take time to read other people's blogs so I guess I can do one too.