Friday, September 4, 2009

Cleaning up...again...

So, I have finally admitted the fact that I am not a naturally clean person. I'm not talking about showering--which I do regularly. I'm talking about the ability to clean up after myself quickly and regularly. I can't do it. So here is an exapmle of how cleaning goes for me: Dishes: I will put it off because (put excuse here--usually it's because the dishwasher is full and needs to be put away or the kids need my attention or some other lame excuse) and so I'll end up with a ton of dishes that fill up both sinks and overflow onto the counter. When we are running out of plates or cups or forks or something, I'll buckle down and do a marathon dishes date. Well, the next day, I don't want to do dishes at all because I just spent so much time on them that I don't want to do them again at all and anyway, (put excuse here). And so it goes.

But I'm trying something new. Again. I will occasionally be inspired and come up with a new schedule that will make cleaning easy and approachable. Here's what I am trying now. Each day I'll just do One. One load of laundry. Vacuum One room. Clean One bathroom. But I always have to sweep and do dishes and make beds and clean up. I figure if I am always doing it, it will always be done--right?

So far, it has been okay. It worked really well for three days. Then I had to go shopping. That usually kills the rest of my day (shopping with three very small children is exhausting!). So one day kind of slipped. That was today. I still made beds and did dishes and swept the kitchen. But I didn't do any of my Ones. Now, I have the weekend and I don't know about your house but sometimes on the weekend all of my best plans fall apart.

I guess I'll let you know if any of this stuff works long-term. For now, it's just nice to have a semi-clean home all the time instead of a really clean home once a month. I do feel more in control of my life when my house is clean and having "jobs" to do each day helps me not get down on myself. I guess I get a feeling of accomplishment and that helps.

I don't really think anyone will ever read all of this crazy rambling, but in case someone does, sorry for the rambling--I've never been a very good writer or talker. It's usually all or nothing.

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