Thursday, September 17, 2009


So I just read a book about a fictional map of the world that was made by the Chinese in the early 1400's which would make it older than European maps of the world. It was an interesting read and brought up some good questions about ownership--think finders keepers? But it also made me think about the fluidity of history. I have always thought of history as being a fixed object--and in reality that is exactly what it is. However, it is interesting to realize that our perception of history is not necessarily so static. We are often taught one side of the story. One perspective. And often, I believe, when we start to see another side to the story, we can understand what has happened in a completely different manner. It's hard to tell who the "good guys" were because we don't understand everything that happened. Just another reason I am so grateful that I won't be the ultimate judge of what happens/happened. Someone told me once that through the urim and thummim you could see history. Whether or not that is true, I would love to actually see history. Watch the flood. Experience the amazing true things that happen all over the world all the time. I have always thought of history as boring and fixed and already done. I have just come to realize that there is so much to discover and understand in history. What a revelation!

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